Autor Wątek: Problem z gg? (proszę usunąć wątek)  (Przeczytany 1696 razy)

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Problem z gg? (proszę usunąć wątek)
« dnia: Września 06, 2015, 16:55:48 pm »
EDIT: Nic nie zrobiłam, a już działa - dziękuję jeśli ktoś coś naprawił , a jeśli nikt nic to ciesze sie ze się samo naprawiło.  :))


Sorki za braki w wiedzy ale nawet nie wiem jak opisać problem - ogółem program w ogóle sie jakby nie łączył z internetem.   .   .    (uzywam tylko do gadu-gadu na windowsie 8)
Jak poszukałam dotarłam do czegoś takiego w konsoli - sporo rzeczy było czerwone

[184729::MMDL] Startup
[184729::NETL] IPv6 support available
[184729::WNFW] Windows Firewall has been configured
[184729::PLMG]    Error: utlWebTools7.   plug (127)
[184729::UACH] UAC is enabled, running @standard rights
[184729::MMDL] Creating main window
[184729::RNDR] Running in GDI Mode
[184729::SYSD] System DPI scale: 100%x100%
[184729::GG] GG protocol plugin starting up.   .   .   
[184729::PLGE] Plugin 'protoGG.   plug' startup time: 0,0sec
[184729::INFO] utlInfo (Info++) plugin starting up.   .   .   
[184729::PLGE] Plugin 'utlInfo.   plug' startup time: 0,0sec
[184729::PLGE] Plugin 'Emots.   plug' startup time: 0,0sec
[184729::PLGE] Plugin 'sounds.   plug' startup time: 0,0sec
[184729::PLGE] Plugin 'wtwFTPsender.   plug' startup time: 0,0sec
[184729::MMDL] Startup time: 1,67s
[184729::IEVD] Internet Explorer 9 is installed, good.   
[184729::SESS] Session parameter changed -> 0x101
[184729::SESS] Session parameter changed -> 0x111
[184729::SESS] Primary monitor powered up
[184730::GGHB] Hub returned invalid data, retrying with alternate hub
[184730::GGHB] Hub returned invalid data
[184730::MMDL] Auto-connect (T: 6)
[184731::UPNP] UPnP Initialized
[184731::GGSC]    Connection error, reconnecting in 3s.   .   .   
[184738::GGSC]    Connection error, reconnecting in 3s.   .   .   
[184739::AUPD] STAGE 1: Checking for updates.   .   .   
[184740::AUPD] WTW: XML has no valid arch set or it's structure is currupted!
[184741::AUPD] Gadu-Gadu Protocol: XML has no valid arch set or it's structure is currupted!
[184741::GGHB] Hub returned invalid data, retrying with alternate hub
[184741::AUPD] Pseudo-contacts Protocol: XML has no valid arch set or it's structure is currupted!
[184742::GGHB] Hub returned invalid data
[184742::GGSC]    Connection error, reconnecting in 3s.   .   .   
[184742::AUPD] Tlen.   pl protocol: XML has no valid arch set or it's structure is currupted!
[184743::AUPD] XMPP Protocol: XML has no valid arch set or it's structure is currupted!
[184744::AUPD] utlIgnore: XML has no valid arch set or it's structure is currupted!
[184744::AUPD] Info++: XML has no valid arch set or it's structure is currupted!
[184745::AUPD] smsBlue: XML has no valid arch set or it's structure is currupted!
[184746::GGSC]    Connection error, reconnecting in 3s.   .   .   
[184749::AUPD] Web Tools: XML has no valid arch set or it's structure is currupted!
[184750::AUPD] BlackList: XML has no valid arch set or it's structure is currupted!
[184751::AUPD] dictionary: XML has no valid arch set or it's structure is currupted!
[184751::AUPD] dictionary: XML has no valid arch set or it's structure is currupted!
[184752::AUPD] fonts: XML has no valid arch set or it's structure is currupted!
[184753::AUPD] HTMLayout: XML has no valid arch set or it's structure is currupted!
[184754::AUPD] Lang (PL): XML has no valid arch set or it's structure is currupted!
[184754::AUPD] runtime: XML has no valid arch set or it's structure is currupted!
[184755::AUPD] theme: XML has no valid arch set or it's structure is currupted!
[184755::AUPD] Procedure completed;
[184756::GGSC]    Connection error, reconnecting in 3s.   .   .   
[184756::GGHB] Hub returned invalid data, retrying with alternate hub
[184757::GGHB] Hub returned invalid data
[184800::GGSC]    Connection error, reconnecting in 3s.   .   .   
[184804::GGSC]    Connection error, reconnecting in 3s.   .   .   
[184807::GGHB] Hub returned invalid data, retrying with alternate hub
[184808::GGHB] Hub returned invalid data
[184808::GGSC]    Connection error, reconnecting in 3s.   .   .   
[184812::GGSC]    Connection error, reconnecting in 3s.   .   .   
[184816::GGSC]    Connection error, reconnecting in 3s.   .   .   
[184820::GGHB] Hub returned invalid data, retrying with alternate hub
[184820::GGHB] Hub returned invalid data
[184820::GGSC]    Connection error, reconnecting in 30s.   .   .   


Przepraszam za problem ale nie wiem co się dzieje a program nie działa.   

Z góry dziękuje za pomoc :)
« Ostatnia zmiana: Września 06, 2015, 18:32:41 pm wysłana przez yashamaru »